About the blog

Some of my best memories are playing ball when I was a kid.  My dad was a police officer in town and supported my love of playing baseball.  I always had questions about the game like "How do I hit better?", "How do I become a better pitcher?" Day in and day out I hounded my dad with questions and begging for him to play catch in the yard before and after work.  After pestering him enough he took out an address book full of ballplayers, active and retired, that he had received at a card show. After some time of writing letters asking former pros what advice they would give a kid that wants to play ball, we had accumulated binders full of personal letters.  Some players wrote about drills and what to focus on, others gave advice about living healthy and staying in school. My Dad took these letters and later published a book called Hey Dad, Wanna Play Catch?.  

This blog is about those letters and advice, along with some stories and a look at some of the more blue collar players than you see in the media today. My hope is that fellow ball players and parents can take note of the advice given.  Some of the ball players are hall of famers and others are players that just loved the game.  Take it for what its worth or just enjoy reading what they had to say.  Some of the best times my dad and I had were opening the mail and reading what the players wrote back.  

I never ended up playing pro ball.  Like most kids after high school I had to move on.  I joined the military and found myself in a career field that I like.  My wife and I live in New Hampshire with our two boys.

Please enjoy,

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The Pinch Runner

Jim Delsing was a pro ball player for 10 years. Born in November 1925 from Rudolph, Wisconsin, Delsing began his career in 1948 with the Whi...